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I looked out the window earlier and thought “Eugh. It’s drizzling and misty. Perfect photography weather!”

I set off the the New Forest, wearing waterproofs. I drifted towards Bolderwood and the Portuguese fireplace looked quite dramatic with a backdrop of mist, rain and bare trees with green ivy clinging around them.

It was too wet for any deer to be nearby in the sanctuary so I set off towards Burley. Along the way I stopped over the road from Naked Man (an old tree used historically to hang people) and wandered across the moor. I got a few good shots despite being over ankle-deep in mud, my tripod almost flat to the ground and fearing for my slowly-sinking camera!

I did take some shots looking over Romsey but the quality just wasn’t there. But that’s photography. Sometimes a shot will present itself when you least expect it, other times what you think is a great shot looks awful when you get back to process it.

And that is part of the satisfaction of photography!