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Well, isn’t Coronavirus causing immense interruption to our photography travels?

Last weekend before we were locked down, I decided to try to catch the galactic centre, which was visible between 0200 and 0400 on Sunday morning.

I got up stupidly early and went to Hengistbury Head, thinking that would be a good spot to see it coming over the horizon. What a mistake! When I got there, the cloud was right where I wanted to be looking! Yet completely clear behind me!

Undeterred, I ventured, in the dark, all the way up the Head and took a few shots, then admitting defeat I went to Boscombe Beach. I got some good shots of the pier at 4am or thereabouts, and then wandered back towards home. I was not considering dawn shots as I was tired, but as I approached home, the sky started turning pink in the clouds, so I diverted and got some decent dawn shots looking over towards the docks at Southampton.

All in all, not a washout, but slightly deflating! And then we were locked down so I’m now doing random macro shots around the home and garden. Hurry up freedom!!