
4 people and a dog (don’t think it was the Famous Five!) stood by Janesmoor Pond one night after sunset. Made for a great silhouette reflection shot.

Lockdown Macro

I had a lot of time to play with the macrl lens over the last few months!

Lockdown activity

As usual, I’ve neglected to update the site as often as I should. Lockdown has had its challenges but also enabled me to experiment with other photography styles. I’ll include some images over the next week or so

Lockdown Travels

Well, isn’t Coronavirus causing immense interruption to our photography travels? Last weekend before we were locked down, I decided to try to catch the galactic centre, which was visible between 0200 and 0400 on Sunday morning. I got up stupidly early and went to Hengistbury Head, thinking that would be a good spot to see […]

Reflecting and star-spotting

Last night was clear, but misty. I went out at 8pm to see what I could capture. I ended up at Hatchet Pond near Beaulieu. The pond was calm and slightly enshrouded in mist, but the sky was completely clear. I managed to get several decent shots, although the challenge is always trying to improve […]